Lifestyle · Travel

10 Must Haves in Your Carryon

I don’t know about you but when I travel I like to have a few of the “must haves” with me.  It never fails when I travel, my flight is delayed, the food choices are crappy or how about when your flight is diverted and you end up staying overnight in Los Angeles rather than the straight shot back from Hawaii!!

Some of the things I can’t fly without:

  1. Water Bottle.  I take an empty water bottle with me that I can refill in the airport whether it’s my nice refillable metal bottle or a good quality plastic water bottle. Sometimes, depending where I’m going, I worry about losing my nice $25 refillable bottle.  When I get to the airport I fill it up at the water fountain. Now, I know you’re thinking that the airport water isn’t the best, BUT I always fill my bottle then purchase another in the “airport rip you off” store. I’ve run out before and that extra bottle is handy to have with you!
  2. Protein Bars. Who wants that crappy airplane food which consists mostly of nutrient bankrupt carbohydrates and high fructose corn syrup? At least I know I’m getting 24g of good quality protein.
  3. Protein Shakes and Shaker Bottle. On my diverted flight from Hawaii I just so happened to have some of the best protein shakes available on the planet with me so mixed up a shake until I got to LA where I had a great meal at the restaurant.
  4. Backpack or Cute Bag. If you’re looking to be stylin’ take your big bag to throw over your shoulder. You can throw in your book, water bottle and plenty of snacks.If I travel to Europe or somewhere I’m doing a lot of walking I take my backpack so the weight is evenly distributed rather than loading down one shoulder which can cause neck pain. Plus, pickpockets seem more common in big tourist areas. Make sure you keep your phone and other valuables inside rather than in the outside pockets. I’ve had friends lose their phones while zipped up in the outside
  5. Essential Oils. A must for traveling. You never know when you’ll get a headache, tummy ache or exposed to some serious germs plus travel can be stressful!
  6. Packaged Tissues. When I fly I get this weird nose drip OR stuffed up until I land.
  7. If I can focus on a good book time flies by much faster….plus it puts me to sleep making the trip seem even faster.
  8. Selfie Stick.Don’t want to look like a tourist? It’s must easier to snap a selfie then search around for someone to take a photo. What are the chances they’ll be as good a photographer as you?
  9. Ever flown internationally and tried to watch a couple movies with those cheap earphones they give you?  It makes my ears hurt thinking about it.  Believe me take your good ones your ears will thank you.
  10. Last of all Sleep Support & Renewal. Between leaving early for a flight, jetlag and any one other of the hundred things that could go wrong at least I can get a good nap and good night’s sleep and be ready to see the sights the following day.

If you can’t have a perfect trip at least you can make sure to bring the things with you to keep you feeling like you’re at home. Safe travels friends!

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