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Goal Check-in – Epic Fail or Values First?

It’s that time of year to push the pause button and check in with yourself on where you’re at with your goals!  June is a good time to stop, reflect and see what’s working and what’s not working. Although a quarterly check in is best since it gives you more time to correct your course of action, my year so far has been out of control so June works great for me!goal-setting-1955806_640

My January goals were as follows:

  1. Complete an IsaBody Challenge.
  2. Improve my muscle to fat body composition during the challenge.
  3. Follow a set marketing schedule for my business.
  4. Add yoga and spinning to my workouts.
  5. Spend more time helping my mom.

At the beginning of this year I signed up for our company sponsored IsaBody Challenge because I wanted to fine tune my body composition and drop a few extra pesky pounds. Now is the part I need be completely transparent…..I’ve signed up for the Isabody Challenge 5 or 6 times in the past and have never actually completed the 16 week challenge, but this time our daughter enrolled in the challenge too so I had added motivation. Although I’m very conscientious to eat healthy, watch my weight and I try to stay in good shape, plus I’ve helped hundreds of people reach their health goals, but at the same time I felt like I should be doing the challenge (or at least complete a challenge!) as I’m encouraging others to do the challenge.

Well I failed and didn’t complete this one either.  My 97 year old Mom became very sick and by the end of January I was running her back and forth to the emergency room, rehabilitation centers and looking for good assisted living accommodations for her.  My workouts became erratic and in between these unexpected duties I was focused on trying to keep up with my business but the marketing schedule helped me keep focused on what I needed to accomplish each week to keep business going.

Yoga and spin class got in there a few times and when I did make it to a class I loved the distraction. I also found some bootcamp and PiYo classes close to us in the local park and added those to my workouts.  I noticed a definite difference in my level of strength just adding those classes into my workout schedule (if you could call it a schedule).

If you’re like me you get excited and motivated (caught up in the New Year’s goal setting craze) and make big plans for the year.  The problem us humans run into is that we make all kinds of personal achievement goals like going to the gym more often, spend time meditating and goals of that sort yet we have goals to spend more time with our family, be more dedicated at work or spend more time focused on our business which creates time conflicts and personal, inner turmoil.  We have these high priority values of taking care of our family, which is most important, then we beat ourselves up because we haven’t made it to the gym as often as we wanted or there was an important project at work that took extra time so we didn’t accomplish what we set out to do.  Sometimes our values conflict with our goals!

As I check in, my wins so far this year are that I’ve added some classes to my workouts. They aren’t the exact classes I originally planned, but definitely acceptable.  I followed a set marketing schedule until my mom passed away, and I absolutely was able to spend more time with my mom when she needed me most so like you, my values came first.  My losses so far are that I didn’t complete the challenge and I haven’t lost those pesky few pounds, but, hey, I’ve still got 6 months left to go! My June reset goals are:

  1. Enroll in another 16 week, IsaBody Challenge.
  2. Get back to my set marketing schedule.
  3. Drop those pesky few pounds.
  4. Continue the classes.

In setting goals it’s easy to forget that life sometimes gets crazy and when we have high-priority values, like partners and family they sometimes require more time than we expect and that’s ok because they are truly at the top of our most important list. Quarterly goal check-ins are great because we can quickly make course corrections and get back on track rather than give up and wait until the new year.  It’s not too late to step back and regroup! If you need someone to bounce ideas off or a cheerleader to help you get back on track, please reach out to me! My success is your success!

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